(Howerton Handbook) What is a Banquet Round?

Banquet Round Table

Have you ever heard your catering manager or wedding planner use a term that left you in the dark? Hopefully, we can help you decipher some of those terms. First up — What is a banquet round? A banquet round is a round table used at a banquet meal. These tables, typically used by most wedding venues, usually seat between 8-12 wedding guests, depending on their diameter.

Here are some sizing details for banquet rounds that you may find helpful.

Table Size

Linear Feet Needed for the Table Number of People that can fit at the Table

60” Round (or Five-Foot Round)

10 Feet

8 People

66” Round (or Five and a Half Foot Round)

10 ½ Feet

9 People

72” Round (or Six-Foot Round) 11 Feet

10 People

Happy Planning!

Love & Soul Always, Kawania

(Photo: Precious Moment Photography)



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