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Welcome to our wedding & event planning blog! We offer valuable advice and inspiration for planning your wedding or event with heart and with soul. Welcome to our wedding & event planning blog! We offer valuable advice and inspiration for planning your wedding or event with heart and with soul.



Honeymoon Interrupted? Here's What to Do If Your Connecting Flight is Delayed. Howerton+Wooten Events.

Imagine this. Your dream wedding has come to an end and your honeymoon outfits are packed, and it is time for you and your new spouse to fly to a sweet location for fun and relaxation. All is well, right? Most of the time. Sometimes, Mother Nature, mechanics or other unexpected occurrences can force the […]

Honeymoon Interrupted? Here’s What to Do While You Wait for your Connecting Flight.

Red Umbrella and the Eiffel Tower. Howerton+Wooten Events.

Travel and vacation photos are some of our favorite posts to check out on Instagram!  But, before you grab your phone, check out our list of 5 types of travel-related photos you shouldn’t post on Instagram while you are on your honeymoon or vacation — 1. Your Boarding Pass.  So many of us love to […]

5 Vacation (or Honeymoon) Related Photos You Shouldn’t Post on Instagram

Conference and Meeting Planning Map. Howerton+Wooten Events.

Did you know that we have planned events, conferences and trade shows in 41 of the 50 US states? We are in the process of refreshing the Howerton+Wooten Events web site, and one of the things we are doing is updating the interactive map on the conference side of our web site.   Have you seen […]

Did You Know We Plan Corporate Events Too?