What’s wrong with inviting children to your wedding?

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As a planner, I have heard all of the reasons why couples don’t want children at their wedding – “It costs too much!” “They’re disruptive!” “They’re loud.” “They cry.”

I’m a mom — I get it.

But, think about this. Where else are they going to see proper, open expressions of love?

Yes, they should see it with their parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles, but we need to show more than that.

So many outside influences expose our children to hurtful behavior, violence and sex without love, I think it is imperative for them to see what responsible, happy adult love looks like. If not, their best examples will be on reality shows and the Internet.

Do is it still seem like too much?  Hire a professional babysitter; reserve a special play room; and/or provide them with a “goodie bag” to keep them occupied when they get bored. Whatever you choose to do, allow them to see your love. You will be a great role model and you may find that the children are much more fun that you expected.

Love and Soul Always, Kawania

(Photo: Anne Lord Photography)



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